Company operations through the pandemic
I'm writing this in the sincere hope that everyone reading this is doing well, both mentally and physically, and that through this time you can continue to connect with the people around you in a new and meaningful way.
I never thought I'd need to write something like this, and I look forward to the day I can take it off the site.
For our clients
As it currently stands, it's business as usual for Ether. The team is now entirely remote, but as luck would have it, the work we do doesn't require a studio space – as nice as it might be!
Practically speaking there will be no real change, email, for all its faults, will continue to be a great way to touch base and if you have an active project with us, Trello would be the best place to log feedback.
The most significant impact will be that no in-person meetings will be going ahead, and since the studio is closed, the landline will not be answered.
Face-to-face communication is a fantastic way to convey ideas and connect with people on a much more personal level. To that end, like the entire planet, we'll be available to hop on a Zoom, chat through FaceTime, or use frankly any of the dozens of meeting options out there.
I've opened up my calendar, so if you want to speak, you can book a time and duration that works for you. You can pick if you'd like to talk on Zoom (it'll create the meeting automatically and give you the details) or just a good old-fashioned phone call.
The Studio
As mentioned above, the studio is currently closed. As soon as it opens back up, following guidance from the government and the desire to return by the team, we'll let you know.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, past, present and future for believing in us and I want to wish you all the best both personally and professionally over the coming months.
If you need any help with anything, just let us know; we're all in this together.